About Us

Discover the Slow Sicily team, a group of passionate individuals dedicated to preserving and sharing the authentic cultural heritage of Sicily. Join us on a journey through the traditions, flavors, and stories that make our island truly unique.

Our Team

Tommaso Ragonese

He graduated in Philosophy from the London School of Economics and Political Science. His diverse career includes roles as a traveler, sport sailor, business developer for a multinational company, sports-excursion guide, and reporter. At one time, he was also known as “a young man with a beard” (or perhaps not), under which pseudonym he published “Il Bene sia con Voi!” in 2022.

His latest book, “Alicudi e la segale cornuta” (2024), published by Meltemi Editore, delves into the relationship between humans and the environment in one of Italy’s most distinctive locales. This work blends his philosophical training with his firsthand life experiences.

Marco Crupi

A former professional photographer (from 2015 to 2022), he is now a web developer for a company and currently resides in Messina. Born in 1988, he ran the photography blog marcocrupi.it from 2008 to 2020, which was a key resource for many photographers and was considered one of the most read and followed photography websites in Italy.

From 2015 to 2021, he collaborated with Panasonic as a Global Brand Ambassador and formed partnerships with numerous leading companies in the photography industry. Notable partners include Epson, Nokia, Carl Zeiss, Samsung, Crumpler, Energizer, and Manfrotto.